Welcome to the Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research (ISD) – Director: Prof. Martin Dichgans
ISD hosted the 9th ICAA Conference in Munich
ERC Starting Grant 2024 for Anna-Sophia Wahl and her team
DNA-sensing inflammasomes cause recurrent atherosclerotic stroke
Diversity at the ISD
ISD’s Diversity Management is interlocked with LMU’s program on Diversity as well as programs installed by the DFG funded Excellence cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy) of which the ISD is part, covering a range of aspects including: Gender equality, Diversity management, Being family friendly, Inclusion and participation, Cultural diversity, Healthy university.
The ISD hosts researchers from 25 countries apart from Germany
Events at the Center for Stroke and Dementia Research (CSD)
Event Overview
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